Everything here has slowed down as the weeks off school are progressing, leaving us all in an increasingly relaxed state. It feels good! To interrupt the lazy summer mood, though, I started trying out a few things with the aim of coming up with attractive and wearable jewelry pieces – bracelets, wrist wraps, pendants, necklaces – made out of yarn, felt and added beads, wire, metal pieces. I have a lot of ideas going around in my head.
NB: Click on the picture below to get to Habu Textiles’ website and be prepared to be amazed at their highly innovative products of outstanding quality – and the beautiful photography. Truly mouthwatering, if you ask me. Did I mention that I love Japanese design?
Apart from that, my Alabama Chanin skirt has stalled. I got as far as sewing the basic skirt and dyeing* (shibori, tie-dye, whatever you want to call it) a piece of the leftover fabric. I am going to cut out circles and appliqué them to the lower part of the skirt, using my favorite red craft thread. This will have to wait until after traveling (see below).
(*In small print: I didn’t exactly dye the fabric, I tied it with rubber bands and put it in Chlorox household bleach – although I hate the smell and toxicity of the product. But it does produce a very lovely washed-out hue, I must say.)
My secret project is finished and ready to be packed. It will all be revealed once it has reached its final destination, adorning my sister’s staircase bannister. I promise to take pictures!
In a few days we are off on our travels to the far-away shores of home to visit families and friends in both our countries of origin – Ireland and Germany. Many a thing has to be considered and put into place before six people can set off with everything they need with them, and everything in order behind them.
It will be (even) quieter here for a while, although I will try to get access to computer and internet while traveling to keep you posted. In the meantime I want to thank you all out there for following me so far along my crafty way, and look forward to reconnecting after my return!
Tagged: Alabama Chanin, crochet, crochet jewelry, felting, Guetermann thread, Habu Textiles, jewelry, sewing, Shibori